New TurboCAD Training
The site has now gone through another development. I have taken off a couple of products which have not turned out to have been popular and put on a couple of new products which I think will be very useful for all CAD users.
You now have the option to buy the PC software on a USB stick which also includes 12 training films with the Deluxe version and 15 with the Pro Platinum version.
Also, I now have a USB stick with 37 new training films on that I have made using v2015. These cost £37, a pound for each film. Details of it’s contents are below. If you’d like to purchase please click here.
TurboCAD Training Films
The first 12 training films were made using Deluxe 2015. These start by suggesting a way of setting up the screen and then go on to show how to use the 2D tools. These films are just as useful for Professional Platinum users working in 2D, or starting in 2D before extruding into 3D.
The next 15 films were created with TurboCAD 2015 Professional Platinum. Many of these films will be of equal use to Deluxe users working in 3D, but as there are far more 3D tools in the Professional Platinum version, some of these films will illustrate tools not found in the Deluxe version.
There then follows 4 films on general points, (Drawing Compare is not in Deluxe), and 4 brief exercises to follow.
The Films:
Created in Deluxe 2015
- Set Up
- Snaps
- Further Snaps
- The Line Tools
- The Circle Tools
- Manipulation the Origin / Reference Point
- The Curve Tools
- The Double Line Tool
- The Copy Tools
- Symbols & Blocks
- Layers
- Printing & Saving
Created in Professional Platinum 2015
- The Set Up
- Snaps
- The Basics
- Ways of Copying
- The Workplane
- Extrude from 2D
- The Generic Shapes
- Revolve & Loft
- Sweep
- Add & Subtract Solids
- Blocks
- The Copy Tools
- Layers
- Setting Dimension Style
- Saving
- General Information
- Drawing Compare
- External Reference
- Hatch & Format Painter
- Push & Region Edit
- Setting Up Dimension Style +
- CAM Exercise
- Architectural Exercise
- Constructing a Cabinet
- Drawing a Padlock
To purchase the USB stick, please click here.
Bill Pudney
I have TC pro20, which I use for hobby stuff, entirely 2D. I would like to expand my use/expertise (which is pretty basic!) and get into 3D. Would your 37 films help?? Do they come on a DVD, memory stick or carrier pigeon?
Bill Pudney
Paul Tracey
You can get a new v2016 for £40 on this site, or I still have a handful of older Pro versions that I can sell pretty cheap, give me a call and I’ll see what I have.
077 24 88 24 03